2010년 3월 22일 월요일

ora-27125 :unable to create shared memory segment

David L Mansfield 씀:

I have figured out why some people get this error. If you are installing under FC2, then the workaround fails. If you are running a pre-existing installation it works. Here's why:

when the DBCA launches the oracle process to create the instance, it doesn't carry the environment variables (i.e. DISABLE_HUGETLBFS=1) to the child process (java bug?). So you cannot create a database. My workaround is:

As oracle user:

mv oracle oracle.bin
cat >oracle << "EOF"

exec $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle.bin $@

chmod +x oracle

I just this second finished the install and it works! 



출처 : http://kldp.org/node/37151 

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